OCME fillers, case packers and depalletizing for tins have contributed, through to Incobrasa to the packaging of materials and supplies that USAID (U.S. Agency for International Development) has assigned to the United Nations WFP (World Food Program) project, which received the Nobel Peace Prize in 202o.
The collaboration between OCME and USAID fills with pride the Parma-based company, part of the Aetna Group, as it has always developed high technological value and great civil and human sensitivity.

On October 9, 2020, in fact, in Oslo the prestigious award was assigned to the United Nations World Food Program (WFP), "for its efforts in fighting hunger, for its contribution in improving peace conditions in areas affected by conflicts and for being decisive in prevention efforts of wars that exploit hunger as a weapon".

The WFP's activity is maintained through voluntary donations from States and private individuals, and USAID is the largest and longest-standing supporter of the WFP in its role of helping populations affected by wars and international crises.

OCME, thanks to the presence of its subsidiary OCME AMERICA in Fort Lauderdale, Florida (USA), has guaranteed the quality of its technologies in packaging operations, allowing materials to reach their various destinations in complete safety.

The operation was carried out with the help of Incobrasa, an important Brazilian company based in Illinois (USA), which supported the production of the lines purchased for USAID through the use of the Dorado depalletiser for tin,  LIBRA rotary weight filler and ALTAIR, OCME's wrap-around case packer par excellence.

This "made in USA" synergy represents an important reason of satisfaction for the company, whose glocal philosophy is one of its most important guidelines, guaranteeing the technological and productive quality of its end-of-line packaging solutions all over the world with a widespread and localised system of assistance and presence.

OCME, thanks to its US subsidiary, has become part of a very important humanitarian chain, where the human aspect, seriousness and commitment are distinctive and essential values to be shared.

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