January 15, 2020 - Yesterday morning, the Minister of Economy and Finance Roberto Gualtieri visited Robopac's headquarter in Castel San Pietro Terme (Bologna), in the company of Mayor Fausto Tinti. The top management of the company: Alfredo Aureli, Valentina Aureli and Enrico Aureli, welcomed the delegation.
After the recent controversies regarding the Plastic Tax and the directions coming from Europe on the next Green New Deal, Minister Gualtieri wanted to launch a new phase of industrial policies in Italy, specifically asking for the direct collaboration of ROBOPAC and all the companies in the supply chain of packaging. He wants to define the next steps towards the goal of sustainable development. The idea is to establish a dialogue and work table between institutions, material manufacturers and packaging machine manufacturers in order to provide the public the necessary tools and incentives to study together new green packaging solutions.
Enrico Aureli explained “As we did for the Industry 4.0 Plan, we embrace the desire of the Minister and we will certainly be able to make a contribution and share our know-how in the capital goods sector. We are identifying the guidelines to create added value and facilitate the introduction into the industries of innovative, eco-sustainable and recyclable materials ".
“Through the TechLab system - adds Valentina Aureli - we are already working in the field together with our customers to minimize the use of packaging materials and at the same time guarantee the total stability of the palletised load, in a Green & Safe perspective in which we really believe ”.
“What makes the difference - says Alfredo Aureli - is the misuse and the lack of recovery of plastic: it is therefore necessary to encourage research projects that allow to obtain plastic from biodegradable materials with performances similar to those now on the market. However even the bioplastic will have to be recovered and recycled as we are doing with paper and other materials. In addition to funding the research, it is also necessary to educate and stimulate eco-sustainability by recovering a deposit on the plastic container and a bonus for each kg of plastic at the time when it is introduced into the recycling system ".
Among the key points that the ownership of ROBOPAC has brought to the attention of the Minister Gualtieri and of the Italian industrial development process, there is the need to evaluate the creation of Founding of capital and credit. The need is to create a fund that relies on the risk capital, not on the debt capital, capable of looking at the valorization of the people and their managerial skills, in a perspective to actively developing the predefined company goals.
In this way, the industrial fabric is encouraged to support the Italian know-how, enhancing the human and technological resources that have created excellence in the area, but with a view to global development. Therefore, the intervention of the institutions alongside with the industries would allow the reduction of the shopping of multinationals and foreign funds at the expense of small companies, in favor of a process of aggregation aimed at achieving a competitive critical mass at international level but in Italian hands. Further input was given on the need to empower the infrastructure system. Precisely to support the synergy between the enhancement of the Italian know-how and a global development, it is important to be able to enjoy the movement of vehicles and people in step with contemporary needs, which allow us to be European and worldwide.
To demonstrate the interest of the companies in the sector on these issues, Fondazione Fico and UCIMA, an association chaired by Enrico Aureli, have organized for the next 20th and 21st of February in Bologna the Packaging Speaks Green, an international forum dedicated to the development of the culture of sustainability and circular economy in packaging. An appointment that foresees a large parterre of guests from all over the world who will discuss about legislation, new materials and technologies.